smovey and Parkinson's with the green rings in motion

smovey and Parkinson's with the green rings in motion

The number of people suffering from Parkinson's disease is constantly increasing. In addition to medication and other forms of treatment, exercise also plays an important role in maintaining motor skills.

Numerous studies show that training with vibrations has a beneficial effect on stability, gait, balance, postural control and deep sensitivity. These areas in particular are often more or less severely affected in Parkinson's disease, depending on the form and severity of the symptoms.

Regular training with smovey can help maintain and sustainably improve the quality of life with Parkinson's disease. Functional movement sequences promote coordination and balance, muscle development and mobility. In addition, the vibrations stimulate the nervous system with the positive effects already mentioned.

The inventor of the vibrating green rings, Johann "Salzhans" Salzwimmer, himself suffered from Parkinson's disease over 24 years ago and originally invented the smoveys for self-therapy. Today they not only help him, but many thousands of people all over the world - and - incidentally - put a smile on their faces!
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